
Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Choosing Online Game for Kids Brain

Many online games in Indonesia is not necessarily good for you and your child's brain development. While the child - the child is not easy in now disconnect from online games.

The following games are suitable for children:

  • Pattern memory - a game that trains your child to remember where that is right and proper. This game helps your child's brain performance for faster and durable in remembering something.
  • Music memory - a game for child where the child should be able to recognize and know who and what music tracks are in listen.
  • Typing Speed ​​Test - a game for children and train the child's speed in typing or writing something.
  • Word Search and Find - a game for children in which the child is trained to look for vocabulary at random stacking.

Hopefully useful and beneficial

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Chess Playing Techniques

To become a formidable chess players here are a few tips, if you can understand the moves below, then you have started off to be a formidable chess player / powerful, way to use this style, first: read, understand and save it in the chest / heart , must remember to "memorize", second: when in the face of the board (wood chess) chess, remove it moves, its easy right!?

10 tips on what to do:

1. Master the center, in this case wood chess
2. Run the horse before the elephant
3. Run the elephant before the castle
4. Run the fort before the minister
5. castled fast
6. Protect fruit
7. Attack plots on the same chessboard with lots of fruit
8. Create an ambush when possible
9. Create binding when possible
10.Improve strategy at every step

10 Do not that should be avoided

1. Do not run more than 1x in pieces on the chess board opening
2. Do not give checkmate too quickly
3. Do not create stacks pawns
4. Do not create pawns isolated (isolation)
5. Do not let your opponent pawn creates free
6. Do not close the elephant with pawns
7. Do not eat fruit that is bound fast, if you can still maintain ties
8. Do not run pawn king had castled
9. Do not do not understand the strategy
10. Do not play too tense

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